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Donnybrook West Australia


Thursday, May 26, 2011


Above is the next workshop coming up on 9th June 2011 painting an under painting, pouring tar gel over the top when the under painting is dry and then painting into the tar gel.  Lots of fun with this workshop.
and this quirky little girl was the workshop held on Thursday using Coarse Pumice Gel, very gritty.  The undercoat is Naphthol Red med and Jenkins Green is mixid in with the Pumice Gel,  Titanium White highlights
cute don't you think.  I am having so much fun creating the sample's as they are new to me as well.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

journals for sisters

April was such a full on Month, two weeks of which I went on holiday with my three sisters.  I made each of my sisters a journal.
The covers are made from Manila folders, painted using adirondak ink sprays, stencils and white gesso.   These had four coats of Golden gesso and a certain amount of the ink comes up through the gesso. The collage is old photo's from childhood.  The number on each one is the date of their birth. The Gisborne Herald is from the heading of the local newspaper in the city where we grew up in New Zealand.
Over several years in the Microsoft Word program I have been writing a story of our life growing up using the old photo's as prompts.  I printed these out on some nice french paper I bought in a nice sepia colour.  I collated these into three signatures of five double pages and stitched them into the spine of the cover. Altogether there was 60 pages cover back and front. A memory and a keepsake, they all loved them and it was satisfying to give a gift with meaning.